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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Catching up!

Well, the guy I was talking about in the first blog is the daddy and the love of my life. He may drive me nuts but I hear thats the "hubby" thing to do.

We found out I was pregnant June 11, 2010 and I had a lot of mixed emotions. I was more happy than anything and we both had been talking about our future family. . . We just didn't think it would happen so soon.

The 9 months were crazy! I was always tired and sick. Morning-sickness doesn't only happen in the morning. I was lucky to have it all 9 months. :\ During my 36th week, I was told I had pre-eclampsia and had to have the baby ASAP. I was scheduled to be induced the 26th. . That same day, I had an appointment to meet the Pediatrition. Right before we were going to tour the place, my water broke and I ended up in the hospital 2 hours before I was supposed to. About 8 hours later at 2:15am, Adrian James was born.

It seems like yesterday he was born! He will be 3 months soon and he's started smiling and giggling about 2 weeks ago. at his first photo shoot (which was taken at 3 weeks) he smiled. I think it was a "I have gas" smile. He's been smiling a lot more when we talk to him and play with him. He's also been wiggling a lot more. He turned out to be a kicker in his sleep just like his momma. I will probably add the adventures I've written down. (there have been 3) I hope I can keep up with this on a daily bases.

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