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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Busy weekend.

Well, as you may have read, yesterday I received my first professional massage. Today we all went to visit our cousins in Colorado Springs. It was their first time meeting AJ. He did very well. I feel like he was a bit crabbier than normal today, but I think it was just the time flying by. I had to hold him when he was hungry or tired cause you know. . . mommy knows best ;) lol

Gas prices are up to $3.54/gal. which is a killer on my explorer. Blah! I did, however, save $.10 a gallon cause of my King Soopers card. I wish fuel prices would go down this summer so we can enjoy a bit. I hope we can go to Texas to visit the family. Frontier Airlines runs some great deals on the web so I've been keeping an eye out. . . What was once a $300-$500 flight has now been $150. . . At least for our destination location.

Few more hours til I get to sleep. Gotta wait for AJ to do his midnight feeding before I sleep. Might be up til 2am. . . I feel bad cause I did not wake up last night to feed him. Rob did all the work for me. I swear I got real lucky with Rob. Like I've said before. . . He may be a butt-head but he takes care of us and loves us so much. Didn't know there were still nice guys in the world.

Picture of the day. Rob was holding Adrian who fell asleep snuggling with Rob. He's always so adorable.

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